viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Film Review: "The Adventures of Tintin"

Me he dicho, ya que lo haces para las clases de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, ¿por qué no vas a publicarlo en el blog? Total, para eso es tuyo y pones en él lo que te venga en gana y, además, no es porque la haya hecho yo, pero me ha quedado una crítica muy muy chula, jejeje. Sí, es cierto que ya había hecho una reseña sobre la peli por aquí, pero era diferente porque explicaba todo lo relacionado con la película y los cómics desde una perspectiva más personal, y la crítica que viene a continuación es más, por así decirlo, "profesional", ya que doy mi opinión pero poniendo más distancia sobre el cariño que le tengo al personaje. Bueno, me dejo de chorradas, ahí va:
The last work of legendary director Steven Spielberg, this time with the priceless help of acclaimed director of The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson, is the film adaptation of the adventures of Tintin, the famous comic book character created by Belgian author Herge. In order to maintain the spirit of the comic intact, both directors have used the motion capture technique, which has allowed them to make an animation film but with the movements of real actors like Jamie Bell (Billy Elliott) and Andy Serkis (The Lord of The Rings) who embody the main characters Tintin and Captain Haddock.
Accompanied as always by his faithful dog Snowy, this time the strawberry blonde young reporter (although in the film he is inexplicably redhead) becomes involved in a treasure hunt related to replicas of The Unicorn, a ship commanded by a sixteenth-century Captain ancestor of Captain Haddock who fought against a pirate named Red Rackham. But they aren't the only ones who are chasing Red Rackham treasure, a disturbing and evil man will do everything in his power to eliminate them and take the treasure and because of it, Tintin and his friends will live incredible adventures (travelling, fighting, resolving enigmas, etc.) to win this particular race.
The film is made in a fantastic way, taking care of even the last detail and justifying its huge budget. The fast-paced and action-packed plot, the incredible performances and the amazing soundtrack, make certainly a very entertaining movie that can be liked easily by all audiences, so it is highly recommended for anyone who wants to spend a couple of hours of fun.
However, the number of improbable situations (chases, shootouts, fights) that happen to Tintin (sometimes the movie is more like a James Bond or Indiana Jones film), set a long distance between the story and the comics, which together with the mixing of three different Tintin's books provoked by the absurd self-imposed need by Jackson and Spielberg to show on screen the largest possible number of characters (Thomson and Thompson, Nestor, Bianca Castafiore, Allan ...), decreases the consistency of the plot and even some extracts of the comics that are very interesting (such as all the story with regard to Professor Calculus) are eliminated, which may disappoint Tintin's fans.

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