martes, 3 de enero de 2012

“That was the last time I saw her face”

…Yes, I’ve told you before, I remember exactly where I met her the first time, maybe because both of us were abroad and that is a circumstance really hard to forget, however yet I can’t remember when it happened. The year before I started my degree, I had gone to Galway (Ireland) for a month, in order to improve my English speaking skills, but if I have to be honest, I should admit that I did a lot of things before trying to improve my English abilities, such as hanging out with new friends, drinking a lot of pints of Guinness or playing football games. That month I was living with an Irish family (father, mother and two kids) and she was the girl who lived next door, obviously with another Irish family. I spent the whole month thinking that she was French and she thought that I was Italian. That’s the reason why we didn’t talk to each other until a year after, when we met again at the university and became friends. Then she asked me if I had been to Ireland and, when I answered affirmatively, she reminded me who she was and we could complete our odd story. Shortly after we started dating and it seemed that everything was fine, because we had a bunch of things in common and we had a great time together. However, after we had been dating six months (more or less), one day we met near the Royal Palace and before I could say anything, she broke up with me, told me that she was going to drop out of university and left me there. I remember it was two years ago, on 15th May, and I swear, agent, that was the last time I saw her face…

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